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CHF 30.00


Plongez dans 30 minutes d'entraînement cardio intense, parfait pour les femmes qui cherchent à brûler un maximum de calories en peu de temps. Ce programme est conçu pour élever votre rythme cardiaque et améliorer votre endurance tout en vous aidant à perdre du poids. Les mouvements sont dynamiques et fluides, ce qui rend cette séance à la fois amusante et efficace. C'est l'entraînement idéal pour celles qui veulent évacuer le stress et augmenter leur niveau d'énergie tout en affinant leur silhouette.

What our customers say

My facial cleanser from another brand no longer charges. After researching possible "fixes", I finally had to accept that it was dead. I searched the internet for possible replacement ideas and found Togepi Brush highly recommended. It doesn't disappoint in the slightest! I willl continue to use Togepi Brush for many years to come!

Pedro Weston


I can't believe it's taken me this long to discover the wonders of using a face brush in my skincare routine. I had always heard that using a facial brush was good for skin, but I thought it was just another fad. One day I decided to try a face brush out, and decided on the Togepi brush. It has really helped with the dry skin on my legs, elbows and feet.

Sacha Mcmillan


I watched a lot of Togepi Brush user videos and thought it was worth a try. I've been using it for over 6 months and my skin has definitely improved. My complexion is clearer and my skin tone is much more even. Many people have noticed changes in my skin. It's not 100% perfect, but it's a huge improvement thanks to the Togepi Brush.

Marcie Knowles

New York

I watched a lot of Togepi Brush user videos and thought it was worth a try. I've been using it for over 6 months and my skin has definitely improved. My complexion is clearer and my skin tone is much more even. Many people have noticed changes in my skin. It's not 100% perfect, but it's a huge improvement thanks to the Togepi Brush.

Pedro Weston


I watched a lot of Togepi Brush user videos and thought it was worth a try. I've been using it for over 6 months and my skin has definitely improved. My complexion is clearer and my skin tone is much more even. Many people have noticed changes in my skin. It's not 100% perfect, but it's a huge improvement thanks to the Togepi Brush.

Pedro Weston



Plongez dans 30 minutes d'entraînement cardio intense, parfait pour les femmes qui cherchent à brûler un maximum de calories en peu de temps. Ce programme est conçu pour élever votre rythme cardiaque et améliorer votre endurance tout en vous aidant à perdre du poids. Les mouvements sont dynamiques et fluides, ce qui rend cette séance à la fois amusante et efficace. C'est l'entraînement idéal pour celles qui veulent évacuer le stress et augmenter leur niveau d'énergie tout en affinant leur silhouette.